International Rivers, Rivers without Boundaries and other partners are seeking your support in a global call for a just and green recovery at

This global action focuses on calling out and confronting efforts to use the
post-COVID-19 pandemic economic recovery to push for more destructive
dams and prop up the ailing hydropower industry. At the same time, it
highlights alternative pathways for a truly “green recovery” through river
protection and other nature-based solutions, valuing community-based
initiatives, that should be supported by governments and
We send the global call to financiers, governments of dam-building countries, international organizations, and publicize it widely in social and traditional media.
We hope you’ll join us in signing the statement, and circulating widely to partners, networks and the media.
The global call is supported by a concise but informative “Rivers for Recovery” report. This report explores the urgent need for river protection during the pandemic and beyond, overcoming the troubling legacy of large dams, and the availability of truly sustainable and just energy and development options. The report supports the global call in demanding a recovery that is rooted in climate justice and that protects our rivers as critical lifelines –- supporting biodiversity, water supply, food production, Indigenous peoples, and diverse populations around the world –- rather than damming and polluting them in pursuit of profit and economic growth. The report was formally launched on Thursday 3 December
In the meantime, we are already collecting signatories on the global call in advance of the launch. The signatories will be the first to receive the report when it becomes available.
You can read the global call and sign on HERE . We ask that you also help circulate the statement and global call widely within your networks.