Brief introduction to Dauria steppe and wetlands
Hailaer-Dalai Water Transfer Project, Associated Reservoirs
and Their Potential Impacts
the book is also available in Russian and Chinese
Transboundary river management in Dauria Steppe and adaptation to climate change – report at GTI workshop on April 21st
Risks of Kherlen and Orkhon Water Transfers reported at UNECE
Kherlen River discussed at the Second meeting of the Amur-Okhotsk Consortium
Design of environmental flow requirements for Argun River Basin. UNECE workshop April 2011
“Dauria Going Dry” – pilot project under UNECE Convention on Transboundary Waters
Herlen-Gobi river transfer promises to solve all environmental problems
Mongolia National Water Programme – Action Plan 2010-2015
Statistics on Water Infrastructure Projects in the Argun River Basin
Letter to Putin on behalf of Japanese Cranes
Programme of co-operation between the Russian Far East, West Siberia and the Northeast China
Argun Wetlands: Safe Refuge for the Red-crowned Crane
World Bank : Key Messages on Southern Mongolia Development
Conservation and climate cycles
Reinventing a “Clicycle” in Dauria
Socio-economic Issues and Environmental Impacts in the Transboundary Argun/Erguna Midflow Wetlands
Justification for Expansion of the Dauria International Protected Area (DIPA)
Information on water diversion projects by Mongolian National Water Programme Support Center
Wetlands of the Erguna/Argun River Basin – to Be or Not to Be?
The Siberian Crane Memorandum of Understanding under the Convention on Migratory Species