Category: <span>Balkhash</span>

Mapping of the freshwater biodiversity of Central Asia will help to preserve it from destruction

Central Asian rivers are home to dozens of endemic and threatened fish species, most of which are not well studied. According to the International Union for Conservation for Nature (IUCN) Red List, 21 fish species in the region are critically endangered (CR), endangered (EN), or vulnerable (VU).  Several vertebrate species …

Managing Transboundary Rivers for Tigers and Poplars

At the Eighth session of the Meeting of the Parties to the Water Convention on 12 of October 2018 in Astana, Kazakhstan,  the RwB International Coordinator Eugene Simonov delivered a presentation on freshwater ecosystem preservation in the era of “Belt and Road “.(See presentation  here) Simonov and Mazmanyanz at the …

Will new agreements protect Sino-Kazakh shared basins?

China has a bad record when it comes to water cooperation. It was one of only three countries (along with Turkey and Burundi) to vote against the UN Watercourses Convention – the only global agreement on the use of international watercourses – when it was adopted in 1997. China controls …