Category: <span>Essential Publications</span>

Ageing Dams Pose Growing Threat

A report by the United Nations University has said that by 2050, most of the world’s population will live downstream of dams operating at or beyond their design life, which could have implications on public safety, escalating maintenance costs, and reservoir sedimentation. The report, “Ageing Water Infrastructure: An Emerging Global …

Rivers for Recovery – Sign the Call!

International Rivers, Rivers without Boundaries and other partners are seeking your support in a global call for a just and green recovery at  This global action focuses on calling out and confronting efforts to use the post-COVID-19 pandemic economic recovery to push for  more destructive dams and prop up …


SHORT SOBERING REPORT Since the Report by World Commission on Dams (Nov. 2000) for 20 years there has been relative consensus that large hydro is associated with excessive social and environmental impacts and should be given no green ticket into sustainable future. Somehow it was simultaneously stipulated that “small hydro …

Want some hydropower? It does not come cheap!!!

International Renewable Energy Agency published RE costs data for 2019. Hydropower’s share of global renewable energy capacity fell from 76% (925 GW) in 2010 to just under 47% in 2019. Global installed hydropower capacity (excluding pumped hydro) was 1 189 GW at the end of 2019. It is the only …

The IEA’s Sustainable Recovery Plan recommends not discarding nukes and hydro right away

The new Sustainable Recovery Plan released by the International Energy Agency in response to the Covid-19 pandemic and economic crisis being felt across the world has recommended hydropower and nuclear reactor modernization as one of key policy measures. The plan seeks to show governments what they can do to boost …