Category: <span>Greening Silk Road</span>

World Heritage Committee listed Baikal-related requirements for Russia and Mongolia

  The 40th session of the WHC held  in Istanbul ended prematurely due to unsuccessful coup in Turkey. Nevertheless it adopted a powerful Decision on safeguarding the Lake Baikal  World Heritage Site against negative impacts both in Russia and in Mongolia. Despite attempts of Mongolian delegation, that included the Director …

Hope for Selenge and Baikal: dam construction stopped, consultations planned.

  Good news came from activists living at the confluence of Selenge and Egiin Gol rivers in Mongolia – as of June 25th “preparatory works” by Gezhouba Int. Co. for  Egiin Gol Hydro dam  construction still have not resumed. The RwB hopes this is a healthy sign that  responsible  agencies …

Ecological Network for the New Silk Road Launched in the Amur River Basin

  A network of bordering protected areas formed in the Amur-Heilong River Basin Development and functioning of protected areas networks (Econet) is very important in the context of the Belt and Road Initiative, because it preserves natural connectivity and enables subsequent conflict-free  development of transportation, industrial, communication and trade networks. …

Putin asked Xi and Elbegdorj to find alternative to harming the Lake Baikal

Trilateral talks took place in Tashkent between President Vladimir Putin, President of the People’s Republic of China Xi Jinping and President of Mongolia Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj on June 23, 2016. As three presidents witnessed the signing of the Programme to Establish the China-Mongolia-Russia Economic Corridor (one of 6 New Silk road …

Bridging the UNECE’s Mechanisms and the Silk Road Strategy

  I represent the Rivers without Boundaries International Coalition (RwB), that works for sustainable management of transboundary river basins in Northern Eurasia -Russia, Mongolia and Central Asia. I am here to raise awareness of potential challenges induced by China’s New Silk Road Strategy that is becoming a driver for development …

Mongolia still fails to acknowledge that Eg River Hydro that puts at risk the Lake Baikal cannot be an “internal affair”

  Mongolian governmental news agency MONTSAME  covering  Russian-Mongolian expert meeting on hydropower plans in Baikal Lake basin instead of official report published quote from the Facebook account of an engineer responsible for Egiin Gol Hydro construction: "On May 24 Russian and Mongolian authorities inked a protocol where the Russian Federation …