Category: <span>Solidarity</span>

Siberian Placer Gold Mining Kills Humans and Rivers

Fifteen people were killed and another six missing after a dam collapsed at an artisanal gold mine in a remote Siberian settlement of Shchetinkino  at dawn on October 19  in the latest deadly accident to hit Russia. The Rivers without Boundaries International Coalition since 2008 has been calling on authorities …

20 CSOs condemn the Snowy Mountains Engineering Corporation for its global footprint

The Snowy Mountains Engineering Corporation (SMEC) has been involved in dozens of destructive hydro-engineering projects that caused harm to many local communities in Asia from Mongolia to Laos. Today the RwB Coalition Coordinator Eugene Simonov arrived at Australia to report at the Riversymposium and to help local allies to pressure …

International Conference on Hydropower Impacts Held in Dniester River Basin

On October 8-9, 2019, the International Association of River Keepers “Eco-TIRAS” in partnership with the Institute of Zoology and in collaboration with the Faculty of Natural Geography of the Pridnestrovian State University named after TG Shevchenko organized a conference with international participation “The Impact of Hydropower on River Ecosystems”. Conference …

Our Response to the Climate Bond Initiative’s Attempt to “Climatewash” Hydropower

As economic attractiveness of hydropower goes down world-wide, the sector seeks to find new sources of support. Climate funding is the single most promising opportunity for hydropower to continue ruining rivers and forests of the planet. Therefore, we at the RwB pay close attention to these developments and want to …

HidroItuango: EPM Company Called to Appear Before War Crimes Tribunal in Colombia

Colombia’s war crimes tribunal will go to Medellin in October to learn why the city’s energy company EPM flooded an area where prosecutors were looking for hundreds of missing persons. The session will be the second in the city where Mayor Federico Gutierrez was reprimanded by the Special Jurisdiction for …

Threats to Freshwater Ecosystems, World Heritage and Global Conservation Efforts Must Be Removed From the EU Taxonomy

On Monday, September 16, the EU Commission of finance stops accepting comments on the second draft of the Technical report on “EU Taxonomy (of activities for sustainable development eligible for green funding)”. The report sets out the basis for a future EU taxonomy in legislation, contains technical screening criteria for 67 activities across …