Category: <span>Solidarity</span>

River-Killng Russian-Chinese Pulp Mill Project Resurfaced at the Hong Kong Stock Exchange

We do have both good and bad news from the Amazar River -the uppermost tributary of the Amur-Heilong, which was blocked by dam for alleged needs of the Amazar Pulp and Saw Mill “Polaris”( 阿玛扎尔林浆一体化项目 ) – being built by Heilongjiang Xingbang International Investment Co。 ( 黑龙江兴邦国际资源投资股份有限公司 ) with support …

Statement in Solidarity with Narmada Movement issued by Russian and Eurasian Civil Society Groups

We address the Indian Government, demanding prompt action and to avoid a humanitarian crisis in the Narmada valley. We, express our deep concern for the growing humanitarian crisis in Narmada valley, in Central India, where thousands of families are evicted without rehabilitation due to the Sardar Sarovar (Narmada dam) reservoir …

Proposal to destroy Murchison Falls National Park submitted by the Bonang Power and Energy Co. rejected.

South Africa’s Bonang Power and Energy has been courting Ugandan elite and seeking hydropower contracts at least from 2015. Thus its web-site refers to official report of the Uganda State Palace on talks between the country’s President Yoweri and a delegation of an International Consortium of Companies from Russia and …

Kaliwa Dam – as Part of Duterte’s “Build Build Build Nonviable Projects” Program

In Philippines a church-led campaign has been rolled out to gather signatures of 10 million people urging the government to drop a controversial dam project in the mountains of the northern Philippines. The Prelature of Infanta said it began gathering signatures a month ago, as the government started the construction …

From Fire Into Hydro: Bolsonaro’s Relentless Effort to Destroy the Amazon Ecosystem

Brazil has included four hydropower plants among the projects that will receive support as part of the country’s investment partnerships program, called “Programa de Parcerias de Investimentos” or PPI.  According to BNamericas, the government’s support will come in the form of environmental licensing studies for the 650-MW Bem Querer, 140-MW …

Habitat of the Loch Ness Monster is Relieved from the Threat of Hydropower Development.

The Times reported  that famed habitat of Nessie – the monster of the Loch Ness lake in Scotland is no longer threatened by large water infrastructure scheme.. Legendary monster may continue to enjoy unspoiled scenery and  hide its secrets at the bottom of famed lake. Plans for a hydropower scheme …