Category: <span>Solidarity</span>

How the World Heritage Convention Can Protect Rivers from Destruction by Dams: THE FINAL REPORT

The RwB and World Heritage Watch presents the final complete version of the “Heritage Dammed” Report, dedicated to protection of natural freshwater ecosystems. This colorful report contains contributions from 30 civil society organizations (CSOs), experts and dam-affected communities around the world. The Report documents how water infrastructure plays key role …

Rivers without Boundaries calls for a “no go” policy on World Heritage

After the RwB  coordinator delivered a presentation at the World Hydropower Congress (photo above), a representative of the Three Gorges Corporation made a statement, on which the RwB issued a press-release published by the HydroWorld: The Rivers without Boundaries (RwB) coalition reports that the China Three Gorges Corporation has announced …

Civil Society Constructively Challenges the World Hydropower Congress

A Parallel Event organized by Civil Society Organizations, coinciding with the 2019 World Hydropower Congress Save the Date: May 13, 2019 Hosted by: Town Hall of the 6th Arrondissement, Mairie du VIe, 78 rue Bonaparte, 75006 Paris, France Co-Organizers: Planète Amazone, GegenStrömung/CounterCurrent, Rivers without Boundaries, International Rivers, AIDA Introduction This …

"Heritage Dammed” Report Open for Your Comments

Picture: Free-flowing Amur-Heilong River forming Sino-Russian border (Taipinggou National Nature reserve) The "Heritage Dammed" Preliminary Report released by the Rivers without Boundaries International Coalition (RwB) and World Heritage Watch contains contributions from 25 CSOs, experts and affected communities around the world.  LINK to the Report. THE KEY MESSAGES: – Freshwater …

Goldman Prize Winner Calls for Scrapping Nenskra Hydro Project

International solidarity is demonstrated by Macedonian conservationists who dedicates her victory over Boskov Most  Hydro to the fight against destructive hydropower in Georgia. Ana Colovic Lesoska, Executive Director of Ekosvest, CEEBankwatch’s member group in Macedonia, has led a multi-year campaign to cut off international funding for two large hydropower plants …