Category: <span>Solidarity</span>

At the Climate COP24 the UN Agency Is Green-washing Large Dams in Latin America, While Companies Building Dams Are Struggling to Survive Man-made and Climate-related Disasters.

Degradation of UN institutions catering to special interest groups has reached a new height. The United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA) in March 2018 started a partnership “Sustainable Water and Energy Solutions” with the Itaipu Binacional Hydropower (Brazil-Paraguay) company which holds the world record of annual …

EU Council Is Ready to Stand for the Integrity of Nile and Mekong

On 19 November 2018, the Council of Foreign Affairs of the European Union (EU) adopted conclusions on water diplomacy which promote accession and implementation of the Water Convention . The Council recalls that water is a prerequisite for human survival and dignity and a fundamental basis for the resilience of …

As Datang Corporation Plays the Fool at Mekong Dam Consultations Will China Government Step in and Apply its Screening Policies for Sensitive Investments ?

  Since March 2018 all overseas investment projects “affecting transboundary water resources” are classified by China Government as “sensitive”  and “restricted” and should be subjected to detailed assessment of their impacts on countries of investment and reputation of Chinese institutions and policies. Environmental and local livelihoods concerns are among key …

World Bank: Nenskra hydropower project is a major liability

Successive international analyses have cast serious doubts over the financial viability of the planned Nenskra plant. While the Georgian government keeps the project’s contract confidential, a leaked World Bank report offers a scathing account of the fiscal implications of this hydropower development. Community members, experts and civil society groups have …