Category: <span>Solidarity</span>

Stop Ecuador Government from Suppressing Environmental and Indigenous Groups!

RwB#22122016 To: Rafael Correa, President of Ecuador; Walter Garcia, Minister of Environment; Minister of the Interior December 22, 2016 Dear Mr. President: We would like to express our concern about the advances of mega-mining in the Amazonian Shuar territory, where the community of Nankints in Morona Santiago province was evicted …

Habitat Loss – The Driving Force of 80% Decline in Aquatic Fauna

Thousands of river dolphins thrived in the Yangtze River only 50 years ago. By 1994, fewer than 100 individuals remained, and by 2006, the Yangtze dolphin had become extinct. Pollution, dam building and reckless navigation destroyed a proud branch on the tree of life in the blink of an eye. …

"Green" means not causing harm! Appeal to the Green Climate Fund

NGOs appeal to the Board of the Green Climate Fund to abstain from large dams and do better risk assessment   Friends of Earth initiated an appeal to the Green Climate Fund that may become another pocket to enrich large corporations and international banks instead of becoming a vehicle for …

NGOs congratulate the World Bank on dam-project suspension

The World Bank Group suspended the Inga-3 Hydro Project, but, likely, there are many more projects in the WB pipeline that merit similar measures say civil society experts. The World Bank Group on July 24 has suspended disbursements of funding to the Inga-3 Hydropower Development Technical Assistance (TA). According to …

185 Killed for Your Survival

According to the Global Witness NGO  new report  the 2015 was the worst year on record for killings of land and environmental defenders – people struggling to protect their land, forests and rivers through peaceful actions, against mounting odds. The numbers are shocking. Global Witness documented 185 killings across 16 …