Rivers without Boundaries

Erdeneburen hydropower project in Mongolia contradicts “Green Belt and Road” standards

By Sukhgerel Dugersuren ,  The Third Pole  https://www.thethirdpole.net/en/energy/opinion-still-time-to-rethink-mongolias-erdeneburen-hydropower-plant/ In April, construction was due to start on Mongolia’s largest hydropower plant to date. The Erdeneburen hydropower plant is planned to be built on the Khovd River in western Mongolia, in an ecologically sensitive area of a national park. The project, which …

The role of hydro in energy revolution continues to decline, but damage to river ecosystems persists

Source: https://www.irena.org/publications/2022/Apr/Renewable-Capacity-Statistics-2022 HYDRO-NO LONGER THE ENGINE FOR ENERGY TRANSITION Hydropower net additions (without pumped storage) are preliminarily assessed in 2021 as 18.9 GW, which is only 7% of global growth in renewables estimated as 257 GW (roughly the same additions as in 2022). Hydropower has shown the slowest growth (2%) …

No More False Solutions for Water Management in Mesopotamia

Building More Large Dams Threatens Southern Iraq and Increases Drought and Water Scarcity! Statement by Save the Tigris – Amsterdam, April 15, 2022 Our concern is growing over the Iraqi governments’ persistence and insistence on building more large dams on the Tigris River and its main tributaries, a river that …

 10 Reasons Why hydropower dams are a false climate solution

Josh Klemm, , Eugene Simonov and Independent Media Institute Not only does hydroelectric power fail to prevent catastrophic climate change, but it also renders countries more vulnerable to climate change while emitting significant amounts of methane, one of the worst greenhouse gases. A river is a spectacular living corridor that …


River Protection activists from Tigris River basin know well about the dangers of using dams and rivers in warfare. They relate their experiences with horrific realities of the war in Ukraine and call not target and use civilian infrastructure as targets and weapons. (reposted with STC permission) Save The Tigris …

As the Indonesian Pharaoh Builds a Pyramid, the Pyramid Needs Stones, Stones Hit People…

Indonesia has mixed record of protecting human rights and ecosystem services in the course of development. Recent weakening of national corruption-prevention mechanisms coupled with investments for “strategic” infrastructure made exempt from many environmental and social safeguards is leading to increased violent conflicts in which police suppresses local protests. Jumbo Bener …