Rivers without Boundaries

“Clean hydropower” can do more harm than good

Opinion by Paul Hockenos(CNN) Climate change is already wreaking lethal havoc on the world of flora and fauna. So, all hands on deck to save the planet, right? We’re behind in the chase and need all the clean energy resources we can muster to hit the 2015 Paris summit goals …

Mongolian Rivers and Lakes Movements regain a chance to win a war on gold mining

Since May 2019 Onggi river movement, jointly with United Movements for Mongolian Rivers and Lakes (UMMRL) has restarted a legal fight to enforce the Law with Long Name( a law to protect headwaters of rivers, protected zones of water reservoirs and forested areas) passed in July 2009 by Mongolian parliament …

Appeal Against Persecution of Environmental Activists in Russia

The outgoing year was marked by many victories scored by Russian grassroots ecological movements such as freezing of illegal bottling plant construction at Lake Baikal, release of Orcas captured for Chinese aquariums, halting of placer gold mining in Altai Province. However ruling autocracy again and again shows inability to solve …

New Report Documents Poor Performance of Large Hydropower Business

Despite the enormous diversity in size, scale and geography of new dams being built, a relatively small number of corporations are responsible for their construction. Thus the policies and practices of these companies have tremendous implications for rivers and human rights. This report provides context for this situation and features …

Indigenous dam-fighter Alberto Curamil, is acquitted in Chile

There is always hope, especially if your friends take a stand for you. An indigenous Chilean leader who faced up to 50 years in prison walked free Friday after judges unanimously acquitted him of all charges. Alberto Curamil, 45, was charged with armed robbery and possession of illegal weapons, accusations …