Rivers without Boundaries


The First Announcement The 8th International Conference “the Rivers of Siberia and the Far East” The Eighth International Conference “The Rivers of Siberia and the Far East” will be held on June 06–07, 2013 in Irkutsk, Russia near Lake Baikal. The Conference is dedicated to river conservation issues in Siberia and …

Will Argun-Erguna River be sacrificed by China for Coal and Energy?

On October 31, 2012 the Greenpeace East Asia and partners held a workshop in Beijing to discuss impacts of coal industry on rivers and environmental security in arid regions of China as a follow-up to “Thirsty Coal” report published in August 2012. Aliona Zenkova of Rivers without Boundaries Coalition (RwB) …

World Bank: We will review the project before agreeing to fund feasibility study on Shuren Hydro in Mongolia

Selenge River at Shuren site. Photo by RwB Soon after RwB envoys handed over the appeal from the Sosnovka Coalition on Shuren Hydro in Mongolia to one of the World Bank vice-presidents, we got a very polite but not extremely Weeks – left office Just http://www.qxccommunications.com/pharmacy-no-prescription-needed.php the wasn’t will non …

Mongolian NGOs address new Ministry of Environment to protect Selenga River from damming

To: The Ministry of Environment and Green Development of Mongolia Ulaanbaatar October 12, 2012 PETITION A so-called “Shuren” hydro station project with a 300 megawatt capacity is being prepared by the World Bank’s Mining Infrastructure Support (MINIS) project to follow the notorious “Durgun”, “Taishir” hydro power stations and “Orkhon-Gobi”, “Kherlen-Gobi” …