The Rivers without Boundaries International Coalition provided recommendations “On Hydropower and Infrastructure for Water Transport Impacts on Freshwater Bodies, Ecosystems and Species” as its submission on Draft Delegated Act (DA) on Sustainable-finance and EU classification-system-for-green-investments.
The text of draft DA dilutes and weakens recommendations made to European commission by special Technical Expert Group tasked to draft this legislation. The RwB raises six important points:
1) The RwB is deeply concerned that EC does not follow the TEG’s advice that “Construction of new hydropower should not lead to increase fragmentation of rivers” is a fundamental requirement and that the use of hydropower at natural water bodies has not been limited to maintenance and modernization of existing facilities. In October 2020, 150 NGOs have asked that that no new hydrodams should be built in Europe.
In December 320 NGOs issued “Rivers for Recovery” Statement and Report (https://www.rivers4recovery.org/) urging governments and IFI stop construction of dams on natural water bodies as the first step to restore health of rivers. (See attachment). The Do No Significant Harm (DNSH) criteria must state that no new hydropower plants should be built in Europe or using European finance. At the very least we recommend bringing upfront the requirement not to allow increase in river fragmentation proposed by the TEG.
2) We are extremely concerned that the draft DA abandons the TEG’s recommendation that “construction of small hydropower <10MW should be avoided”. In Europe and globally small hydro has resulted in massive cumulative impacts on streams in sensitive ecosystems, while this technology cannot make any significant contribution to climate change mitigation, .so the Draft DA must exclude small hydropower (<10MW) completely.
3) The RwB believes that on the infrastructure for water transport, the draft DA unacceptably expanded the scope advised by TEG, which proposed only infrastructure that is needed to ensure the day-to-day delivery of a transport service e.g. fuelling/charging facilities. The TEG specifically excluded the canalization and fragmentation of rivers, but the EC proposes to include construction of waterways, dams and dykes and other infrastructure as well as the dredging of waterways. The draft act must revert back to the TEG’s scope, prohibit further fragmentation of rivers and exclude dredging, channeling waterways, building of dams and dykes.
4) Regarding the operation of existing hydropower plants and infrastructure for water transport the DA should refer consistently to the Water Framework Directive in the DNSH criteria on water, stating that “all necessary mitigation measures should be implemented to reach good ecological status or potential”, without mentioning “technical feasibility”.
5) Dam decommissioning and removal of other barriers in natural streams must be explicitly included as activity in its own right into the draft DA, while now it is proposed only as “compensation” for construction of new hydro.
6) Activities outside EU. Requirements should be strengthened in the Ecosystem and Biodiversity section of DNSH with full consideration for legal protection of endangered and migratory species: “For sites/operations located in or near biodiversity-sensitive areas (including the Natura 2000 network of protected areas, UNESCO World Heritage sites and Key Biodiversity Areas, as well as other protected areas and key habitats of endangered and migratory species recognized according to international and national legislation), an appropriate assessment, where applicable, has been conducted and based on its conclusions the necessary mitigation measures are implemented. Those measures have been identified to ensure that the project, plan or activity will not have any significant effects on the conservation objectives set forth for the protected area or populations of endangered and migratory species defined by international or national legislation (e.g. by Bonn Convention on Migratory Species or national lists of endangered species )”.
Eugene Simonov.
Coordinator Rivers without Boundaries International Coalition
Arabic, Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) , Español (Spanish) , ဗမာ (Burmese), монгол (Mongolian) , ไทย (Thai), 中文 (Chinese) , Português (Portuguese) , Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese) , Français (French) , Pусский (Russian), English (below)
Rivers for Recovery:
global call to protect rivers and rights as essential for a just and green
The COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting public health and economic crises are devastating populations around the globe, affecting marginalized and vulnerable groups most acutely. The massive, transformational shocks these crises have produced for our current economic, energy, and food systems require an equally transformational response, to address widespread economic collapse, hunger, unemployment, and environmental damage, centered in concerns for social justice and ecological integrity.
Rivers and freshwater ecosystems are vital to a post-COVID global economic recovery. They underpin our natural systems, provide critical ecosystem services, and work as an economic safety net for the poor and vulnerable in many low- and middle-income countries. Yet, for generations, these arteries of the planet have been dammed, diverted, and polluted at a catastrophic cost to people and Earth’s living systems. One in three freshwater species is now threatened with extinction.
Today’s tragic pandemic sheds new light on the fundamental inequities and challenges of our time, providing an opportunity to change course on the historic degradation of our rivers and freshwater systems into the future. Our natural systems are integral to life on earth; for too long we have taken them for granted, and exploited them to drive profit and “development” for the primary benefit of a privileged minority. Globally, we understand that this trajectory has been unsustainable.
A new paradigm in river stewardship is critical, not only to safeguard the water sources that are indispensable to life and public health, but to help prevent countries bankrupted by COVID-19 from taking on calamitous new debt, speed a just energy transition, and effectively confront the climate crisis. The current push to escalate dam-building in many low and middle income countries threatens such progress—a false energy solution that the hydropower industry is promoting under the guise of a “green” economic recovery.
A false path to
economic recovery is one that expands crippling debt for countries already
struggling under massive debt burdens, prioritizes “green-washed” solutions
that divert scarce funds away from better alternatives, promotes large
centralized grids designed around destructive projects, such as mega-dams and
fossil fuels, weakens environmental and social safeguards, and continues
the abuse of our freshwater resources.
Hydropower dams carry extremely high environmental and social impacts—they are a false solution and cannot deliver a green recovery. By comparison, investments in solar and wind technologies are affordable, quickly deployable, and can deliver jobs cost-effectively in the economic recovery. In order to rebuild towards a better future, economic stimulus packages should invest in low-impact technologies and those that benefit vulnerable populations and ecosystems, prioritizing community rights and participation rather than bailing out destructive industries that are rapidly losing relevance and financing.
We call for a recovery that is rooted in climate justice and protects our rivers as critical lifelines—supporting biodiversity, water supply, food production, Indigenous peoples, and other culturally diverse populations around the world –- rather than damming and polluting them in pursuit of profit and economic growth.
We call for a green economic recovery thatincludes:
- A moratorium on new hydropower dams as an essential step towards a sustainable and just economic recovery. This should be accompanied by a comprehensive review of energy systems and pipeline projects to ensure priority to protecting freshwater ecosystems and the community livelihoods and economies that depend on them.
- A rapid upscale of investment into non-hydropower renewables and storage, together with policies to facilitate socially and environmentally responsible investment. Investment should kickstart renewable energy projects, roll out centralized and distributed connectivity, build jobs, and deliver low-cost and low-impact electrification to those experiencing energy poverty. Governments can use subsidies and grants to foster upstream value chain investment in local renewable energy manufacturing and assembly.
- Upgrades to existing hydropower projects to increase efficiency instead of building new dams. This can includeretrofitting turbines, improved pumped storage, and grid-integration with wind, solar, and other energy innovations. Upgrades should be accompanied by concrete steps to reduce damage to freshwater ecosystems and local livelihoods through robust mitigation compensation, and reparations. Dam removal and river restoration should be undertaken when the adverse social and environmental impacts of existing dams cannot be effectively mitigated.
- Investment in green infrastructure that protects
and restores freshwater ecosystems and biodiversity, alongside laws governing freshwater protection.
To ensure priority to ecosystem services and job opportunities for local communities, facilitate dialogues between government, private sector, and Indigenous and community water users. Green infrastructure and renewable energy investments must be in line with international human rights standards and environmental safeguards , including the right of Indigenous peoples and other traditional communities to Free, Prior, and Informed Consultation and Consent. - New energy development plans that emphasize investment in energy conservation and efficiency, participatory demand-side modelling, and options for smart, distributed energy and mini-grids located close to energy sources and end users, with a focus on community grids and expanded energy access. Governments should halt expensive and long-timeline hydropower projects to review and update energy plans and reassess options for electrification, ensuring transparency and public participationat all stages of planning and implementation.
- Safeguards for protected areas in stimulus and recovery plans. This includes adopting policies supporting “no go” zones for environmentally destructive investments in protected areas, endangered and vulnerable species habitat, free-flowing rivers, and the territories of Indigenous people and other traditional communities. Identify and halt destructive uses and development pressures on protected areas. Instead of backtracking on existing legislation, governments should strengthen policies to protect rivers, biodiversity and people’s rights.
Statement signatories as of December 12, 2020[2]
- AAPPMA de l’Albanais
- A Sud
- ABAA Associação Bujaruense dos Agricultores e Agricultoras
- Abibinsroma Foundation
- Ассоциация “За экологически чистую Фергану”
- Ackroyd & Harvey
- Action Humanitaire pour le Développement Durable
- Action for Improvement of Food Child and Mother-AFICM
- Adhoc Cambodia
- Aid/Watch
- ALERT: The Alliance of Leading Environmental Researchers & Thinkers
- Alinsaetamarn Library & Resource Center
- Alliance for Conflict Transformation (ACT)
- Allier Sauvage
- Amazon Watch
- Aniban ng mga Manggagawa sa Agrikultura (AMA)
- Apt Succor Organization
- Arab Watch Regional Coalition
- Arctic Consult
- Ars’egk Indigenous Peoples’ Organization (Varzino) (РОКМНС “Арсъегк” (Варзино)
- Articulação popular São Francisco vivo
- Associação Alternativa Terrazul
- Association for Eco Solutions EKO ALIJANSA
- Association of Indigenous People at the Northern Taimyr Dolgan-Nenets District
- Association of Parks in Bulgaria
- Association of Patriotic Upbringing “Master of Own Land”
- Association Protectrice du Saumon pour le bassin de la Loire et de l’Allier
- Asociación Plataforma Jalón Vivo
- Asociación Quisca
- Aves Argentinas
- Ayse Ege Yildirim Heritage Planning
- BALKANI Wildlife Society
- Balkanka Association (Sofia, Bulgaria)
- BAMEE – Bulgarian Association of Municipal Environmental Experts
- Bank Information Center
- BankTrack
- Biodiversity Conservation Center
- Bureau for Regional Outreach Campaigns – BROC, Vladivostok
- Cambodian Volunteers for Society (CVS)
- Cambodian Youth Network
- Candle Light
- Catalan network for a new water culture
- Catedra Unesco/Unicap dom Helder Camara de Direitos Humanos
- Center for Climate Change, Macedonia
- Center for Environment
- Center for Environmental Initiatives Ecoaction
- Center for Ethnic Studies and Development, Chiang Mai University
- Center for Protection and Research of Birds
- Center for Support of Indigenous Peoples of the NorthCentre for Human Rights and Civic Education
- Centre for Environmental Justice
- Centre for Initiative Against Human Trafficking (CIAHT)
- Centro Amazónico de Antropología y Aplicación Práctica (CAAAP)
- Centro de Documentación en Derechos Humanos “Segundo Montes Mozo S.J.” (CSMM)
- CeVI – Centro di Volontariato Internazionale
- Chalakudypuzha Samrakshana Samithi
- Cirneq
- Citizen’s Action for Transparency (CAfT)
- Colong Foundation for Wilderness
- Comitato Terre San Giovanni Scareno
- Comitê de Bacias Hidrográficas dos Rios Peruípe, Itanhém e Jucuruçu
- Congreso de los Pueblos-Chile
- Coordinamento Nazionale Tutela Fiumi – Free Rivers Italia
- Climate Action Network (CAN) Europe
- Coletivo de Assistentes Sociais Resistência e Luta
- Colectivo Mura de Porta Velho
- Comitato PERALTRESTRADE Dolomiti
- Comitê de Energia renovável do Semiárido – CERSA
- Community Development & Advocacy Forum Nepal
- Community Resource Center
- Conselho Pastoral dos Pescadores – ES
- Conservación Humana AC
- Coordinadora Afectados por Grandes Embalses y Trasvases – COAGRET
- Coordinadora Ciudadana No Alto Maipo
- Corner House
- Crear con Ciencia
- Crude Accountability
- Dalje nećeš moći
- Earthlife Africa Jhb
- Earth Thrive
- Eco-TIRAS International Association of River Keepers
- EcoContact NGO
- Ecoistituto del Veneto “Alex Langer”
- Eco Society India
- Ecological Association “Rzav”
- Ecological Center DRONT
- Ecologistas en Acción – Adra
- EcoLur Informational NGO
- Eko Gerila Prespa
- Eko Rural Pelister
- Energy and Environmental Sciences College Al-Kharkh University of Science
- Environics Trust
- Environmental Citisens’ Association “Front 21/42”
- ERN European Rivers Network
- Equitable Cambodia
- Etica en los Bosques
- EuroNatur
- Fair Finance International
- FAOR Fórum da Amazônia Oriental
- Femmes Solidaires
- Fly Fishing Club Idrija
- Fonds pour la Conservation des Rivières Sauvages
- Forum Italiano dei Movimenti per l’Acqua
- Fórum Mundanças Climáticas E Justiça Socioambiental – FMCJS
- Fórum Nacional da Sociedade Civil em Comitês de Bacias Hidrográficas
- Foundation for Environment and Agriculture
- Foundation of Sami Heritage and Development
- Free-Flowing Rivers Lab, Northern Arizona University
- Frente Brasil Popular
- Frente por uma Nova Política Energética para o Brasil
- Friends of Bharathapuzha
- Friends of the Earth Japan
- Friends of the Siberian Forests
- Friends with Environment in Development (FED)
- Fundação SOS Mata Atlântica
- Fundación Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (FARN)
- Fundacion Arcoiris por el Respeto a la Diversidad sexual
- Fundacion Delta Ecuador
- Fundación Avina
- Fundación Cauce: Cultura Ambiental, Causa Ecologista
- Fundação SOS Mata Atlântica
- Future Young Pioneer Organization
- GegenStrömung/ CounterCurrent
- German-Russian Exchange St. Petersburg
- Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker, Regionalgruppe München
- Global Forest Coalition
- Global Shapers Hub Skopje- Water4changes project
- Grand Riverkeeper Labrador, Inc
- Green Alternative (Environmental NGO)
- Green Lotus NGO
- Green Network – Magway
- Green Silk Road Coalition
- Héritier du Développement au Congo
- Hill Area and Community Development Foundation
- Igapo Project
- Indian Institute of Forest Management
- Institute for Environmental Policy
- Institute for the Study of Natural Resources and Environmental Management, Mae Fah Luang University
- Informationsstelle Peru e.V.
- Iniciativa para las Inversiones Sustentables China-America Latina
- Iniciativa para las Inversiones Sustentables China-America Latina
- Initiative to Keep Hasankeyf Alive
- Innovation pour le Développement et la Protection de l’Environnement
- Instituto BiodiverCidade
- Instituto Calliandra de Educação Integral e Ambiental
- Instituto Madeira Vivo-IMV
- Interamerican Association for Environmental Defense
- International Accountability Project
- International Indigenous Fund for Development and Solidarity “Batani”
- International Rafting Federation
- International Rivers
- Jalbiradari
- Jamaa Resource Initiatives
- Journalists for Human Rights
- Kampagne Bergwerk Peru – Riquesa se va, pobreza se queda
- Keepers of the Water Society
- Koalisi Rakyat untuk Hak atas Air (KRuHA) / People’s Coalition for the Right to Water
- Kola Sámi Radio
- Kostroma Regional Environmental Association “For the sake of Life”
- Legal Rights and Natural Resources Center – Friends of the Earth Philippines
- Le Réseau des Rivières sauvages
- Living River Siam Association
- Lokshakti Abhiyan
- Lonko Comunidad Indígena Sin Tierra de Galvarino
- Mae Sai Environment Group
- Maiouri Nature Guyane
- Marcha Mundial por Justiça Climática / Marcha Mundial do Clima
- Mekong Community Institute Association
- Mekong People Network
- Mekong Watch
- MENSCHENRECHTE 3000 e.V., Working Group Uranium Network
- Mesopotamia Ecology Movement
- Metta Development Foundation
- Milwaukee Riverkeeper
- Mlup Promviheathor Center (MPC)
- Mongolian Women’s Fund
- Mon Region Land Policy Affairs Committee
- Mountain Club “Jabagly-Manas-C”
- Mountains and People Association of Bulgarian Mountain Leadesr and Mountain Guides
- Movimento dos Atingidos por Barragens
- Movimento Tapajós Vivo
- Movimento Xingu Vivo Para Sempre
- Mulheres – PT RO
- My Village
- Nam Ing River Group
- National Association of Professional Environmentalists (NAPE)
- National River Saving Movement (NRSM)
- Nature Foundation
- Nature Iraq
- Nepal River Conservation Trust (NRCT)
- NGO “FAaN “
- NGO Forum on Cambodia
- NGO Green Home
- NGO “Terra-1530”
- NGO ARD Habitat
- NGO Union for Defence of the Aral Sea and Amudarya
- NUPÉLIA – Nucleo de Pesquisas em Limnologia, Ictiologia e Aquicultura
- Observatório Ibérico Energia
- Obsetvatório Nacional de Justiça Socioambiental Luciano Mnedes de Almeida (OLMA)
- Office of Fisheries Chiang Rai
- Ohrid SOS Citizens’ Initiative
- Organic Agriculture Association
- Pace on Peaceful Pluralism
- Pak Chom, Chiang Khan Group
- Parjanya
- Pashan Area Sabha
- Patrulha Ambiental Do Rio Ivai Pari
- Paung Ku
- Peace Valley Environment Association
- Peace Valley Landowner Association
- People and Nature Reconciliation
- Perangua Network
- Planète Amazone
- Plataforma de Toledo en Defensa del Tajo
- Pofoma
- Projeto Saude e Alegria
- Pró Ivaí/Piquiri
- Punarbharan Foundation
- Rak Chiang Khong Group
- RAVEN (Respecting Aboriginal Values and Environmental Needs)
- Red Uruguaya de ONGs Ambientalistas
- Research-Intellectual Club “Dialogue of Generations
- Réseau Camerounais des Organisations des Droits de l’Homme (RECODH)
- Réseau CREF
- River Collective
- River Research Centre
- Rivers without Boundaries Coalition-Mongolia
- Rivers without Boundaries International Coalition
- Riverwatch
- Rubyn Territory of Communal Self-Government of Irkutsk City
- SaciWATERs
- Salviamo il Paesaggio Valdossola
- Samuchit enviro tech
- SaNaR(Save the Natural Resource)
- Save Our Rivers
- Save Pune Hills
- Save the Tigris Campaign
- Scientists4Mekong
- iSchool-Myanmar
- Secretaria de Educação. SEEDF
- Shaqovian Organization for Development and Culture
- Social Action for Community and Development (SACD)
- Sobrevivencia
- Socio-ecological Union International
- SOS Loire Vivante
- Southen Youth Development Organization
- South Durban Community Environmental Alliance
- Sunshine Coast Alliance4Democracy
- Sustaining the Wild Coast
- Taiga Research and Protection Agency
- Tampadipa Institute
- The Altai Project
- Tigris River Protector Association | Humat Dijlah
- Thai Mekong People’s Network from Eight Provinces
- The Mekong Butterfly
- Tinada Youth Organization (TIYO)
- Trend Asia
- TOKA : The Organization to Conserve the Albanian Alps
- Toxic Action Network Central Asia
- Tsavo Trust
- UMR CNRS, University of Tours
- Un Ponte Per
- Union for Chemical Safety
- United Tasmania Group (UTG)
- Universidade Estadual de Maringá
- Urgewaldurgewald
- Vasundhara Swatchata Abhiyan
- Vayali Folklore Group
- Vietnam National University of Forestry
- Vietnam River Network (VRN)
- Wainui Consulting Limited
- WALHI – West Java (Friends of The Earth Indonesia)
- Water Beyond Borders (Initiative)
- Waterkeepers Bangladesh
- Watershed Poetry Mendocino
- Water Justice and Gender
- Witness Radio – Uganda
- WomanHealth Philippines
- Women’s Environment & Development Organization (WEDO
- WoMin African Alliance
- World Fish Migration Foundation
- World Heritage Watch
- Youth Group on Protection of Environment
- Za Zemiata – Friends of the Earth Bulgaria
- Zelenyi mir
- 3S Rivers Protection Network
- 350 Africa
[1] Statement is supported by detailed report “Rivers of Recovery” available at https://www.rivers4recovery.org/#publications
[2] Statement in 12 languages is still open for signing at https://www.rivers4recovery.org/
Please help us further elevate the Rivers for Recovery campaign and share with your networks! You can do so using the social media toolkit here which includes key hashtags, graphics, videos, and links to the report!
For further questions inquire at coalition@riverswithoutboundaries.org