Tag: <span>Basin management</span>

Mapping of the freshwater biodiversity of Central Asia will help to preserve it from destruction

Central Asian rivers are home to dozens of endemic and threatened fish species, most of which are not well studied. According to the International Union for Conservation for Nature (IUCN) Red List, 21 fish species in the region are critically endangered (CR), endangered (EN), or vulnerable (VU).  Several vertebrate species …

Asian Development Bank exempts free flowing rivers from dam construction

Large rivers without dams and other water infrastructure will receive additional protection from hydropower development: thanks to the efforts of the international non-governmental organizations including our Coalition, Rivers without Boundaries, the Asian Development Bank has just included in its new Environmental and Social Framework (ESF) the “free-flowing rivers” as a …

Civil society organizations and bankers discuss the Rogun HPP Project completion

RwB Coordinator, Eugene Simonov addresses the AIIB President Jin at the meeting between CSOs and the AIIB Management. Photo: Rogun Alert Coalition. The issue of financing the Rogun HPP construction in Tajikistan, which has dangerous negative impacts on natural ecosystems and local communities, emerged as the main project discussed in …

UNESCO-IUCN mission visits Western Tien Shan amidst growing threats to the World Heritage

A UNESCO and the International Union for Conservation of Nature reactive monitoring mission has completed a visit to Central Asia to assess the state of the transboundary World Heritage Site Western Tien Shan. During the visit, experts studied the threats associated with plans for economic development of the territory. Rivers without Boundaries Public Foundation reports. Illegal gold …

A new phase of the Qosh Tepa Canal construction sparks concerns over Central Asia’s water resources

Recent satellite images analyzed by specialists from the international environmental coalition “Rivers without Boundaries” have confirmed the resumption of construction work on the Qosh Tepa canal, a project initiated by the Taliban in northern Afghanistan. This development, coupled with the potential impact on water resources in the region, raises concerns …