Tag: <span>Basin management</span>

EU Council Is Ready to Stand for the Integrity of Nile and Mekong

On 19 November 2018, the Council of Foreign Affairs of the European Union (EU) adopted conclusions on water diplomacy which promote accession and implementation of the Water Convention . The Council recalls that water is a prerequisite for human survival and dignity and a fundamental basis for the resilience of …

As Datang Corporation Plays the Fool at Mekong Dam Consultations Will China Government Step in and Apply its Screening Policies for Sensitive Investments ?

  Since March 2018 all overseas investment projects “affecting transboundary water resources” are classified by China Government as “sensitive”  and “restricted” and should be subjected to detailed assessment of their impacts on countries of investment and reputation of Chinese institutions and policies. Environmental and local livelihoods concerns are among key …

IFC Neglects its Own Guidelines on Environmental Flows for Hydropower

There is a new evidence the IFC does not apply its own standards properly and this has implications for any hydropower projects they support. In a recent IFC CAO Ombudsman newsletter I have found investigation report on Lengarica Hydro in Albania that raises multiple concerns. A small inherently inefficient 8 …

Dam on Pärnu River Removed to Allow Revival of Migratory Fishes in Estonia

Sindi Dam on Parnu River blocked fish migration Source https://www.ccb.se/documents/2-Estonia.pdf In October long-awaited dam removal  started on Pärnu River in  Estonia. After almost 150 years in existence the Sindi Dam near mouth of the river is being demolished now. This is the largest national project of its kind. After demolition …

Laos’ Dams – Perpetuating Disaster are Encouraged by the World Bank and Funded by Thailand, China and Korea.

  Dam collapse Did NOT stop dams  in Laos The July collapse of the Xe-Pian Xe-Namnoy saddle dam in southern Laos and the widespread disaster that followed made international headlines. Shortly after the Xe-Pian Xe-Namnoy collapse displaced thousands and claimed at least 40 lives, the Mekong River Commission called the …