Tag: <span>Civil Society</span>

The RwB Coordinator Provides Evidence to the NSW Senate Inquiry into the Proposal to Raise the Warragamba Dam Wall

Last Friday the RwB Coordinator Eugene Simonov was awake till 5 a.m. in Moscow taking part in dam investigation hearings half a world apart . Together with Mr.Sai Khur Hseng,  the Coordinator of Shan Sapawa Environmental Organization in Myanmar, he was standing witness to present evidence submitted by 20 environmental …

“Blue Horse” Project Seeks to Suck Water from Kherlen and Orkhon Rivers

Before 2000 there were no mines in South Gobi apart from the state-run Tavan Tolgoi coal mine. But over the past two decades, foreign investment has flooded in, with companies now operating 12 large mines, including Rio Tinto’s Oyu Tolgoi, one of the world’s biggest copper and gold mines. Driven …

Freedom to Irina Sukhy – Prominent Environmental Activist Illegally Detained in Belarus!!!

Belarusian security officials detained Irina Sukhi, an environmental activist who campaigned against a nuclear power plant built in Belarus near the border with Lithuania by Rosatom, a Russian state-owned company. The arrest was reported on Sunday by Ms. Sukhi’s daughter, Sophie Sadovskaya. She is a member of the council of …

Main Chinese actors should not shy away from dialogue with local civil society in BRI countries

Dear China, it’s time to talk!!! Despite saying it takes multilateral cooperation seriously, China has not yet responded to civil society concerns in Latin America At the end of April, 263 civil society groups from around the world sent a letter to the heads of various Chinese institutions about financial …

STATUS OF THE DAM DAMAGE : The IHA reports how dwindling hydropower sector destroys biodiversity riches and social stability…and calls for its recovery.

The International Hydropower Association (IHA) published its 7th “Hydropower Status Report”. Report illustrates further decline of annually installed hydropower capacity, with “optimistic” estimate of only 15 GW added worldwide in 2019. We still tend to believe that the 12.5 GW figure from the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) is more …