Tag: <span>Hydropower assessments</span>

Due to human mismanagement 50% of native fishes disappeared from the Yellow River (Huanghe, China)

An article published by Chinese scientists shows changes in fish species assemblages along  Yellow river during last 50 years due to dams diversions and invasive species .. From the beginning of the 1960s in China, 32 large and medium-size dams in the main stem and hundreds of smaller ones in …


According to the report jointly prepared by UN Environment‘s Economy Division, Frankfurt School-UNEP Collaborating Centre for Climate & Sustainable Energy Finance, and Bloomberg New Energy Finance in April 2018, the share of hydropower in net additions of installed capacity in 2017 continued to shrink globally. The RwB merged the Report’s …

Study claims hydropower development will increase poverty and harm food security in the Mekong region

Mekong River Commission Secretariat (MRCS) socioeconomic specialist Nguyen Thi Ngoc Minh said that the scenarios for 2020 and 2040 showed that if hydropower dam development in the Mekong River continues as planned, the economic benefits to the region would be overshadowed by the adverse impacts of the development. “Development plans …

The IFC has published a handbook on environmental flows – essential guide for already existing hydropower plants

The International Finance Corporation (part of the World Bank Group) has published the IFC Handbook on good practice in environmental flows for hydropower projects. The book written by top experts in the field of E-flows and edited by the IFC describes what the World Bank Group expects to be a …

International banks fuelling a hydropower tsunami in the Balkans. Sign petition to stop them.

Multilateral development banks have supported no fewer than 82 hydropower projects across southeast Europe, including in protected areas, according to a study by CEE Bankwatch Network released today. The study  finds that the number of hydropower projects in the region that enjoy financial support from multilateral development banks  and commercial …

Mongolian and Russian NGOs Help to Create Right Climate for Paris Agreement

  by SERGEY SHAPKHAEV External threats and their perceptions tend to reflect differences between a society’s various segments and groups—which, in turn, stem from problems on local, regional or global levels. Certain problems can provoke public discontent and often require legislative regulation by the state. However, even in countries with …