Tag: <span>River Activist</span>

Confronting the risk of new hydropower dams at the Climate COP-27

Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt—On November 15, a global river and human rights coalition at the United Nations (UN) Climate Change Conference (COP27) called both on governments to avoid including new large hydropower projects in their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), and financiers to avoid funding projects due to the climate and human …

Local people stopped Chinese drilling machinery at the site of Erdeneburen HPP construction

On October 4 a video of local herders protesting the Erdeneburen hydroelectric power plant construction in Uvs Province’s Umnogovi sum was circulated online. It shows men, women, elderly and children preventing the passage of heavy machinery despite being harassed by several policemen.  As predicted by human rights NGOs the population …

Erdeneburen hydropower project in Mongolia contradicts “Green Belt and Road” standards

By Sukhgerel Dugersuren ,  The Third Pole  https://www.thethirdpole.net/en/energy/opinion-still-time-to-rethink-mongolias-erdeneburen-hydropower-plant/ In April, construction was due to start on Mongolia’s largest hydropower plant to date. The Erdeneburen hydropower plant is planned to be built on the Khovd River in western Mongolia, in an ecologically sensitive area of a national park. The project, which …

As the Indonesian Pharaoh Builds a Pyramid, the Pyramid Needs Stones, Stones Hit People…

Indonesia has mixed record of protecting human rights and ecosystem services in the course of development. Recent weakening of national corruption-prevention mechanisms coupled with investments for “strategic” infrastructure made exempt from many environmental and social safeguards is leading to increased violent conflicts in which police suppresses local protests. Jumbo Bener …

Turks Retreat From the Namakhvani Battlefield?!

For many months peoples’ movements of Georgia assisted by highly efficient Georgian NGOs have been fighting a serious battle against a new megadam project conceived by Georgian Government, Norwegian Clean Energy Group and Turkish ENKA. The last important reinforcement came from scientists and conservation officials who helped to list sturgeons …

Georgia Should Take Urgent Measures to Protect Rioni River Biodiversity

Today the World Heritage Committee inscribed the Colchic Rainforests and Wetlands, Georgia, on the World Heritage List as a unique ecosystem hosting outstanding biodiversity. The Decision states that the Colchic Rainforests and Wetlands are relict forests, which have survived the glacial cycles of the ice age. The peatlands of the …