Tag: <span>River Activist</span>

People of Georgia: Namakhvani dam project should be scrapped!

On June 5th, the day of Environmental Protection the Rivers without Boundaries International Coalition congratulates all people protecting their rivers around the world. If we are allowed to choose a place and movement today that symbolizes this noble task, we want to highlight a marathon fight of the people of …

Destruction of Salmon – Threat to Indigenous Peoples of the North

One of the most striking speeches of the recently concluded 20th Session of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues was the address delivered by the Vice President of the Far Eastern Federal District chapter of the Association of Indigenous Peoples of the North, Siberia and Far East of the …

Water transfers fuel corruption and environmental degradation in Iran – a Statement Issued by Iranian Civil Society

Iranian Environmentalists Mark International Day Against Water Transfer 17 April 2021 By the People’s Campaign to Save the Kind Zagros, supporter of Save the Tigris Campaign Iranian environmentalists annually celebrate the International Day Against Water Transfer on 17 April, or 28 Favardin, according to the Persian calendar. Water transfers between …

Appeal to UNESCO Regarding Criminalization of Civil Society Activists in the Russian Federation

On the Criminalization of Civil Society Activists in the Russian Federation We, the Civil Society Organizations who have attended the 9th International NGO Forum on World Heritage at Risk organized by World Heritage Watch online from 22-24 February 2021, as active and concerned citizens dealing with Natural and Cultural World …

Green Peacock and Friends of Nature win a court case against hydropower in Yunnan

Despite coronavirus fears and strict quarantine China had witnessed a landmark victory in public-interest litigation on environmental matters. We congratulate Friends of Nature (and our friends) with this remarkable achievement and wish them to win this case to the very end. In July 2017, conservation groups Friends of Nature (自然之友), …