Tag: <span>River Activist</span>

Stop funding giant dams! Invest in renewables for local development!

Russia and other members of IDA – stop funding large hydropower and other dirty energy mega-projects! Invest in green energy and sustainable development of local communities! On December 16-17, 2013 in Moscow the World Bank will gather governments to make their pledges to the 17th replenishment of International Development association …

Russian police teams up with miners in a new assault on the Save the Khoper River movement

Major offence on environmental movement launched in Russia by seizing Greenpeace ship Arctic Sunrise acquires yet another dimension – skillful provocations staged by police in cooperation with of big business.   On Novemeber 29 Police in Russia have detained two people formerly linked to an environmental protest movement for alleged …

Civilians at Khoper River (Russia) brutally beaten by the nickel mining company guards

    May 13, Khoper, Central Russia – participants of a civil peaceful watch camp at Khoper were brutally beaten by the guards of the nickel mining company LLC Mednogorsky Copper and Sulfur Plant. The locals – civil watch participants, were documenting the law violations by the LLC Mednogorsky Copper …