Tag: <span>RRR_River-related Risks</span>

Coal-mud flood consumes houses and farms in Eastern Russia

In Gornozavodsk (Japanese: 内幌町, Naihoro) town on Sakhalin Island, on May 14, 2018 a long anticipated coal-mud flood consumed several buildings  and farms and now creeps towards  the highway and nearby rivers. Coal  miners are routinely allowed to store waste in dangerous locations, displace local residents,  pollute salmon-spawning rivers and …

Dam Burst in Kenya Kills 45

On May 10 a dam supplying water for export-oriented commercial rose-growing  agricultural farm burst in Kenya causing death and devastation. According to dam managers  it served for decades without causing concern, but last week caused a major disaster triggered by heavy rains. The Patel dam was one of a number …

Due to human mismanagement 50% of native fishes disappeared from the Yellow River (Huanghe, China)

An article published by Chinese scientists shows changes in fish species assemblages along  Yellow river during last 50 years due to dams diversions and invasive species .. From the beginning of the 1960s in China, 32 large and medium-size dams in the main stem and hundreds of smaller ones in …

Arctic gas plant threatens native peoples in Ob River Mouth

  In 2016-17 The RwB Coalition and allies have been trying to get response from Chinese banks about environmental and social safeguards used when lending to Yamal LNG Project.  We still have no response. This article in China Dialogue by Jenny Johnson contains new details on this growing threat to …

Russian Forest Agency Rejects Amazar Pulp Mill Re-adjustment Proposal while the ZJR Company Removes the Project from Shenzhen Stock Exchange

A glimpse of hope for Siberian forests   Two  different events in  Russia and China may mean the beginning of the end for the Amazar Pulp and Saw Mill Project pursued by Heilongjiang Xingbang Company in Zabaikalsky Province of Russia. In late March 2018 Greenpeace received an official reply from …