Tag: <span>RRR_River-related Risks</span>

The UN Special Rapporteur Knox: Gold Mining Program in Mongolia is a threat to Human Rights and Environment

The United Nations Special Rapporteur on human rights and the environment, John Knox assessed how Mongolia is promoting human rights in the context of environmental protection. Knox has stayed in Mongolia since 19 Sep 2017 and met with ministries, lawyers, parliament members and representatives of international and regional organizations. On …

HydroNoodles from Russia with Love!

Picture Source: https://vk.com/paorushydro?w=wall-42131356_2628   The RusHydro Company – owner of most Russian hydropower dams – is known for considerable idle  capacity at many generation facilities due to placement of large dams in remote unpopulated areas without adequate transmission links with load centers. Recently Russian hydropower plants have been marketing use …

Shuren and Orkhon Dam Bids Cancelled by the World Bank Project in Mongolia !!!

  Notices on cancellation of bids for feasibility studies and environmental assessments on two Baikal -Selenge basin dams were posted on MINIS Project web-site.  This finally signifies that practically ALL  rightful demands consistently voiced by the RwB have been finally honored: –Consultations in Russia and Mongolia held at 35 locations …

Cambodian Villagers Resist Chinese Dam Flood Tests

Villagers affected by controlled flooding at Cambodia’s Lower Sesan 2 hydropower dam petitioned the country’s prime minister Hun Sen and the Ministry of Interior on Tuesday for their help in being allowed to remain on their land, sources said. The USD 800  Lower Sesan II hydropower project, a joint venture …

Russian President Putin Supports Strategic Assessment of Mongolian Hydropower and Alternative Solutions

  In the beginning of August the President of Russian Federation undertook a series of activities devoted to freshwater ecosystems : On August 2 he harpooned a large pike in Siberia. A video of this hunt shown  by TV to Russian population was intended to promote  further support for nature …