Tag: <span>RRR_River-related Risks</span>

At least 25 dead, 115 missing and 3000 in need of rescue as Laotian “battery of Asia” explodes after heavy rains

Dam-building industry has once again demonstrated its full neglect to human needs and rights.Monday evening, July 23, a  dam of the Xepian-Xe Nam Noy hydropower project in Southern Laos collapsed causing tremendous devastation in downstream villages and floodplains. This is at least the 4th major large dam failure during 2018, …

Lake Turkana in Kenya inscribed as “Heritage in danger” due to Ethiopia’s Gibe Dam impacts

The RwB Coalition is extremely satisfied with  overdue decision to Inscribe the Lake Turkana on the List of World Heritage in Danger. The case of Lake Turkana is an important lesson for similar situation in Lake Baikal Basin where our coalition is most active. The decision does not only give …

Do Dams Damage World Heritage? –RwB addresses the Convention

  The Rivers without Boundaries Coalition addressed the World Heritage Committee which holds its 42nd Session from June 25 to July 4 in Manama, Bahrain. The RwB Coordinator, Eugene Simonov, presented a resolution “ On the Dam Damage: Water Infrastructure Threatening World Heritage” adopted by the 5th World Heritage Watch …

Belt and Road may have a greater net impact on ecosystems than it does global warming, scientist said.

An interview with conservation biologist William F. Laurance: Chinas Global Infrastructure Initiative Could Bring Environmental Catastrophe Humans are ravaging tropical forests by hunting, logging and building roads, and the threats are mounting by the day. China is planning a series of massive infrastructure projects across four continents, an initiative that …

Help needed for those affected by the dam tragedy in Colombia

Urgent help needed for those affected by the dam tragedy in Colombia The Hidroituango, hydroelectric project in the department of Antioquia is the largest infrastructure currently running in the country. Since April 28, technical failures have occurred for the plugging of the Cauca river tunnel, which has generated an emergency …

Dam disaster in Colombia forces evacuation of at least 5 000 people

Hydropower boom in Latin America fueled by corrupt practices of the Odebrecht and other major construction corporations and supported by loans from China, Germany and multilateral banks continues to displace and threaten local populations. Hidroituango, Colombia’s largest hydroelectric dam project, which promises to produce 13% of country’s electricity by 2019, …