Tag: <span>Sino-Russian Hydro</span>

Bridging the UNECE’s Mechanisms and the Silk Road Strategy

  I represent the Rivers without Boundaries International Coalition (RwB), that works for sustainable management of transboundary river basins in Northern Eurasia -Russia, Mongolia and Central Asia. I am here to raise awareness of potential challenges induced by China’s New Silk Road Strategy that is becoming a driver for development …

Mongolia still fails to acknowledge that Eg River Hydro that puts at risk the Lake Baikal cannot be an “internal affair”

  Mongolian governmental news agency MONTSAME  covering  Russian-Mongolian expert meeting on hydropower plans in Baikal Lake basin instead of official report published quote from the Facebook account of an engineer responsible for Egiin Gol Hydro construction: "On May 24 Russian and Mongolian authorities inked a protocol where the Russian Federation …

What’s wrong with Silk Road Dams in Lake Baikal Basin?

The Silk Road Initiative lacks clear environmental safeguards and specific green development guidelines. The China-backed Egin Gol Hydropower Project in Mongolia could disturb the sensitive ecosystem of the lake. Every Chinese person knows about one place in Siberia – Lake Baikal. It is not necessarily famous for its unique biodiversity …

Greenpeace: China funded Egiin Gol Hydro – the last drop for the Lake Baikal

The Minister of natural resources of remote Buryatia Republic Mr. Yury Safyanov came to Moscow to seek response to extreme concerns voiced by local villagers living on Baikal lakeshore about Chinese dam building in upstream Mongolia. People of Buryat villages gathered 60days ago in Kabansk and requested from WB, Mongolian …

BRICSit – Civil society groups express great concern over New Development Bank

New bank plans to fund hydropower  without  public discussion on social and environmental protections As government ministers from Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa gather in Washington, DC for the third board of governors meeting of the BRICS New Development Bank (NDB) April 13 and 14, civil society groups …

Lake Baikal locals appealed to China’s agencies

  To: Dr.Chen Jining, Minister of Environmental Protection of China; CC: Mr. Gao Hucheng, China Ministry of Commerce; Mr. Liu Liange CEO, China EXIM Bank; Mr.Chen Xiaohua, CEO, Gezhouba International Co. Dear Dr. Chen: We are addressing You as participants of public hearings on ESIA for "Shuren HPP" Project taking …